This is a fundraising initiative which raises money for the Club and offers 200 CLUB members a chance to win a monthly prize! Membership is £5 per month, £15 per quarter or £60 per annum.
With a full membership of 200, the Club would receive £6,000 per year which can be put towards small improvement projects at the Club. As an example, £3,500 was used to buy the planters and plants around the outside seating and table tennis table areas.
With all 200 membership spaces filled, £500 would be paid to the Club each month and £500 would be given back in prizes as follows:
1st prize @ £250
2nd prize @ £100
3rd 4th & 5th prizes @ £50 each.
(the monthly prize fund pool is calculated pro-rata according to how many members there are at the time of each draw).
As a 200 CLUB member you would have a say on what the Club proceeds should be spent on.
Membership of the 200 CLUB is not restricted to Club members.
If you’d like to win some money and help the Club at the same time then please join now!
Application / Standing Order forms are available at Reception!
July 2024 Winners
- 1st Prize – Sheila James
- 2nd Prize – Dave Evans
- 3rd Prize – Tim Maggs
- 4th Prize – Mike Martin
- 5th Prize – Peter Sulzmann